Universal Crate
A generic crate for all of your crate and crate adjacent needs.
My goal was to capture a standard wooden shipping crate found in a wide variety of locations and eras. Inspiration was drawn from depictions in video games such as 007 Goldeneye, Super Smash Bros., Age of Empires II as well as real world examples. Oh and I always thought that scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark was awesome. A nice stack of these would look perfect in a warehouse setup like that.
Built with a 2x2 stud plate, brick, and tile, this stack forms a perfect cube. I like this format and plan on releasing a good variety of designs on this standard. Collect them all, stockpile for notoriety, and display at home or work for increased social status.
Designed and printed with love and sometimes rage by yours truly. Not an offical Lego product, but it sure is made using genuine Lego.